MSE Meili at Achema 2015 - Hall 6.1 Stand A48

21. Mai 2015

MSE Meili AG will be present at the Achema 2015 trade fair in Frankfurt (Germany) this year and demonstrate the newly developed 'MSE Turntable Feeder' MTF. We are at the joint stand of in hall 6.1, stand A48. Please visit us!

Additionally to the 'MSE Turntable Feeder' information about our measuring instruments Labasys® 100, Labasys® Control Ex, the new Labasys® 100 HOT for application at temperatures up to 1'000 °C and the new 'Labasys® Process Scope' will be provided. 

On afternoon June 17th, Dr. Meili will lecture within the '2. Forum für Speicher und Wärmetauscher' on the subject

'Labasys® 100 HOT - Besserer Wärmeübergang in China dank Schweizer Messtechnik'

We cordially invite all interested parties to attend - participation is free. Please register using the link below.

 >> Registration & Program

Looking forward meeting You at the Achema!

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